Does Rain Water Damage Your Paint?

At Capitol Shine, we receive many questions on just what elements can damage a vehicle. Since rain water picks up whatever may be in the air, many wonder if there are any damaging elements.The short answer, like many answers, is, "It depends."One of the most obvious concerns are water marks. While water will eventually evaporate, any dirt or minerals that were in the rain water will not, and will usually result in what is known as water marks. The good news is that regular water marks do not generally damage your vehicle's paint, they just take away from the shine factor. However, not properly washing your vehicle after several rainy days can result in a build up of water marks which means a build up of dirt. This can, over time, become harder to remove. In Spring and Summer especially, rain is continuous which means you should try to have your vehicle properly cleaned every few weeks (at least).What if it's been longer than few weeks? No need to worry. If a good hand-washing will not work, a clay bar or surface cleansing mitt can remove ingrained dirt from your vehicle's paint. This process is included in our Wash + Wax package.What About Acid Rain?Not to turn this into science class, but the EPA defines Acid Rain as "A broad term referring to a mixture of wet and dry deposition (deposited material) from the atmosphere containing higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids." In simple terms, rain can sometimes contain more pollution and elements than normal depending on the area and weather patterns. The higher-than-normal acidity of this rain is different than normal water spots and can cause paint damage if left unattended.However, just like preventative measures can be taken to avoid engine problems with your vehicle, i.e., oil and fluid changes, steps can be taken to avoid acid rain damage. A good wax job or paint protective coating (like Ceramic Pro) can help to deflect the harmful elements of acid rain and provide not only peace of mind, but a SHINE unlike any other.

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